First King - the fanlisting for Elendil

"Out of the Great Sea..."

Alatúlië, ki-nâkhi izinda, and welcome, fair viewer -- the digital winds have blown you across the Great Sea to First King, the TFL-approved fanlisting for Elendil the Faithful, the Númenor-born rebel who became the first king of the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor, who lived and died valiantly and nobly, and became a cornerstone in the evolution of JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth mythos. Without Elendil, there would be no Kingdom for Aragorn II Elessar to reunite -- indeed, there would be no Aragorn at all! If you're a fan of this fascinating, steadfast, and incredibly loyal Lord of the West, who became a King of peerless brilliance in Middle-earth, please do join his fanlisting!

You're viewing version 1 of First King, et Eärello. It should be able to be viewed on all devices at all resolutions, but if this isn't the case for you, please do take a screenshot and send it to me, and I'll see if I can fix it ASAP! This layout features a composite image including both the late Peter Mackenzie and Lloyd Owen -- the talented men who breathed life into the first King of Gondor and Arnor via their performances in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne's The Rings of Power TV series, both of which are wonderful...just for the record.